Tuesday 22 January 2019

These Six Plus One Tips Will Always Help You Achieve Midnight Wake

Hashim Yussuf Amao writes.

The significance of midnight wake cannot be overemphasized, for it is one among salient factors which aid prosperity in life. However, midnight wake serves various purposes depending on what individuals decide to use it for.

Academically, it serves as a medium of reading to students, by its virtue, they make research, compose, do assignments among other tasks. At times, midnight wake might be for spiritual purpose, as in case of Muslims who wake up for Tahajud, a practice commended by Allah as He declares in Quran chapter 17 verse 79 (translation of text) "And pray in the small watches of the morning, it would be an additional prayer for thee that thy lord will raise thee to a station of praise and glory"

 Midnight wake also serve many other beneficial purposes. Thus, good things are not easily achieved says a famous quote. In this sense, midnight wake is not so easy to achieve, and finding solution to this arose the interest of the writer to put pen to paper on tips which shall help perfect midnight wake. I chose to stop boring you, below are the decisive tips;


 The saying "early to bed early to rise" has never be a calumny" this is the most vital tip in perfecting midnight wake. Sleeping early will seriously help in achieving midnight wake. Thus, to achieve a perfect midnight wake, one cant jettison this.


Having rest or light sleep during the day at least, will enhance a midnight wake, Islamically it is tagged "Qoylullah". However, no fixed minutes or hours is stipulated for this, but at least, this shouldnt be jettisoned. In fact, according to World health organization (W.H.O) the least hours expected of an individual to sleep daily is eight hours. So, sleeping in the mid day will fill the void of the hours cheated during midnight wake.


Prepone according to oxford dictionaries. com means "to bring (something) forward to an earlier date or time"

In a simple sense, backwarding your alarm to some minutes before the actual time you wanted is another tip in achieving a perfect midnight wake. For instance, one had plan to wake up at 3am, so preponing the time to like 2:40am will surely be of help, in this case once the alarm rings at 2:40am all one need to do is to snooze it for like 5mins, and by the time this will be done like three to four times, then one should be able to wake and make proper use of the wake. I learnt this from a friend and its practice has always been fruitful.


Exercise as we all (all rights reserved www.hashimyousuph.blogspot.com) know awakens the sleeping hormones or dulling parts of the body. Now imagine for someone who has been on sleep for more than four/five hours, definitely such will have some hormones or parts of his body already dulling or not so active. Thus, embarking on soft exercise after wake will restore activeness to the body and make one prepared for subsequent actions. In this case, press up like 20folds is advised, be mindful its a soft exercise as this is just to restore activeness to the body. Here no one is advising you to train for a match, no go dey do 200 frog jumps or 400 tik taks o. You smiled? Great!


As a matter fact, if one could be able to stick to this it will positively engineers ones midnight wake. Also, being able to wake with a soft alarm on its own is a signal for sharp and sensitive hormones, by this, one will later get to a stage where using of alarm before wake will be no more needed. Albeit, its a gradual step.


Apparently, this should have been the foremost tip, but its still okay being here. It wont be a calumny to say nothing good is achieved in this life without determination. A more reason why Napoleon Bonaparte said the truest wisdom is a resolute determination. So in order to achieve a perfect midnight wake one must be determined with it, for it is an herculean task.


Let delve into this by a quote of the current Arsenal FC manager (Arsene Wenger) who once said when you look at people who are successful, you will find that they aren't the people who are motivated, but have consistency in their motivation.

   Thus, to perfect a midnight wake consistency shouldn't be prejudice. In fact, it has been a say that whatever one practiced for 11 days with consistency will be part and parcel of such individual. Hence, the act of waking today and skipping it tomorrow will always be a hindrance towards a perfect midnight wake.

         All rights reserved Hashim Yussuf Amao (www.hashimyousuph.blogspot.com)


Thursday 24 May 2018

Poem: For My Then Class Mates. (Photo)

Poetry: For my then class mates.
Poet: Hashim Yussuf Amao

For my then class mates.
If you ask me about people who are not bane
I will inform you of my secondary school class mates
Who are now lil-men and pretty dames
Paradigms who have been destined for fame.

A lot of memorable years were spent with them
While then we all gather as G.S.S.S students
Being amidst them I will say was a privilege
For indeed unforgettable are those Winne moments.

Since 2013 we've all departed
Everyone going his or her way hoping for the best
Hence, in our lives a lot has happened,
It's still okay, for life is baleful.

As I type this,
Hot streak of tears slowly make its journey down my cheek.
Well... You might be right if you think it's that of joy,
But pardon me to answer in denunciation, its for loss.

My memory drew back to a humble man
It won't be a calumny referring to him as a titan
At a tender age he kicked the bucket
Ajibola Musiliu, this fifth and sixth stanzas I dedicate to you as dirge.

Some of the memories with you are still intact here,
The 'name name name game' we cheered with still stays in my upstair,
How sweet would have it been if you'd been among us today.
But the irresistible death for the price has made you pay.

In my hopes, God forgive your shortcomings,
Overlook your transgressions.
And to we left, may God grant us all mouthwatering elevations.
And to all our heartfelt desires, may He answer in affirmation.

#Dedicated to Govt. Sen. Sec. Sch (Orita-Aperin Ibadan) 2013 Art dept. students.
It's a privilege being amidst fabulous people like you guys. Memories shared together shall never be forgotten.
I so pray we meet at top places in the nearest future. Love you guys.


Wednesday 23 May 2018

Dedicated to Nigeria. Poem: Follow Me To Where I Live. (Photos)

Poem: Follow Me To Where I Live.
Poet: Hashim Yussuf Amao

Follow me to where I live.
Follow me to a pathetic place on earth
Follow me to a place so exposed to plights
Follow me to a nation that will make you shed tears
Follow me to my country Nigeria.

Follow me to where I was born and bred,
How do you wish we journey, by road or air?
If by road, be ready to dance without beats.
If by air... Well no galloping up there.

I hope you will cope with the situation of my country
When I take you there,  won't you weep for my country?
I pray you cope and get along with my country,
Like its citizens who have already been adapted to their destined country.

A nation with around 198million residents
Being led by wicked and corrupt leaders cum presidents
A nation where people personally pick those who inflicts on them
Follow me to my dear country Nigeria.

A country blessed with mineral resources
Yet, its citizens suffers insidiously
A nation where from social amenities, many lack.
Follow me to my dear country Nigeria.

What a funny yet sardonic country I live
A country where psychopaths and maniacs lead
Diverting the country's wealth to personal pockets
Yet they get hailed by poverty stricken heads.

In the country I live;
We pass days without electricity,
We're encourage to learn despite no job opportunities,
We have no access to good health care when we're being sick.

Can you still cope along with my country's atmosphere?
Are you sure you can bear with us here?
Have I also told you, for you to get there here,
You have to know someone up there.

The leaders in my country are redundant predators
Turning the citizens to their prey
Even while they should long for our betterment
When will my country start setting the pace?

A chameleon they say will ever remain a chameleon,
No matter the color it adopts now or later.
But with believe my country will change and rise aeon
The 9ja area will change, be it now, be it later.

By the next time I will invite you;
Prayers, strivings and  love would have make my nation great!
My dear country would have been awesome again!!
I so believe it would have landed at the shore of grace!!!

God bless Nigeria.
✍: Ibn_Hashim
©: 2018

Friday 4 May 2018

Touching Poem: I Will Be Back Again. (Photo)

Poem: I will be back again.
Poet: Hashim Yussuf Amao

       I will be back again.
I know in this my mission I might not return
With your tears I can clearly read your thoughts
Albeit this might be my last tour,
But I had no option than to answer the clarion call.

While I embark on my mission in protection of others
This may be our last time of seeing each other
Weep less my darlings
For those negative thoughts, damn it!

I'm going back to the severe cold
I'm returning to the unfriendly zone
Where our day starts 0400hours
Unlike here where it starts 0700hours.

Now I will return to the hand of merciless instructors
Through whom we wake via jumping up
However, like Olapade Mahmud Madawaki
 I will be back to wearing my hard Khaki
Alas, seeing no wife or son around to kiss
Thus, undoubtedly I will miss my own very family.

I hope my life ends not on this mission
I hope I return for jubilation
Even while I must not jettison the positive aim
I hope to see my family again
I hope the perseverance bring to me untainted fame
I hope and promise I will be back again.

Dedicated to all militants out there(Olapade Mahumud and co.) You need not to tell us, we know how you feel. We respect and appreciate your perseverance,passion and dedication for the protection of our dear country. Keep being positive, may the good God always protect you.

✍: Ibn_Hashim

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Misplaced Priority. An Educative Poem By Hashim Yussuf (Photo).

Poem: Misplaced Piority
Poem: Hashim Yussuf Amao

                Misplaced Priority
In a country where they say "Education is the best legacy"
In a country where education comes with Odyssey
 In a country where education is no more bouncy
In that country frivolities are now being celebrated
In that country education is now being dilapidated
In that country immoralities are now being appreciated.

After the random 16 years of studying
And many moments of bustling
Paying the irresistible fees
Even while financially one is not pleased
Going through the Odyssey in order to be learned
But so pathetic the efforts are now unmerited.

Despite the educational ordeal
And the unpleasing anneal
Achievement(s) from educational field,
Are now rarely commended and rewarded
Many promising talents have been wasted
Rather immoralities is what is being applauded.

While graduates are roaming about being jobless
In other to survive they've gone through hell
Yet, #25m is rewarded on frivolity
 SUV motor and endorsement deals for those who had sex on live TV
Perhaps chicken change is for the best in university
Tell me isn't that a misplaced priority?

Is education still the best legacy?
Will the future of education still be juicy?
When will education be more celebrated
When will it be so appreciated?
I pray education stop losing its value
And thus be accorded its due.
