Monday, 23 April 2018

A Poetic Birthday Wishes From Hashim Yussuf Amao

Poem: Happy Birthday
Poet: Hashim Yussuf Amao

             Birthday Wishes from Hashim
Birthdays indeed are memorable days
And so shall they be always
They are anniversary of birth
They drive our memory back to (early) life moments
They make us ruminate about moments of life
And hence, they help give thanks for the gift of life.

Nothing exist without a starting point
Right from the womb to the time one is born
From crawling to when one is fit to walk
Then taking steps in life
Turning fours to five
With the irresistible strive.

Day in day out the growth increases
Likewise the destined time decreases
You start elevating from the basics
Taking next step in the divine arrangement like matrix
Your sincere deeds at times get criticized by cynics
Hey! Never be downtrodden, learn not to restrict.

 Every 12 months you are +1 -1
So on your birthday never be over joyous
You won't live forever be humble
There is more to hereafter be thoughtful
 For death may knock anytime soon
And does what it's been know to do.

Above stanzas are for remembrance cum admonition
And this shall focus on my wishes for your celebration
On your birthday I hope the Good God surprises you with fine compositions
Change your story and grant you mouthwatering elevation
May He never make you a victim of degradation
And to all your heartfelt desires may He answer in affirmation.
Happy birthday!!!
